Monday, May 30, 2011

Don't worry, still here exercising, eating healthfully and dealing....

Sorry for the little vacation from the blog, but know that nothing changed for me in regards to my eating healthfully and exercising, just life's @#$% got the way for a bit, but I'm back. Had to head to Crossfit OC Saturday morning, since work and life and lack of exercise partners got in the way of getting my 3-5 workouts in during the week, and I was forced to workout on my weekend, which I'm not a fan of. Workout was awesome though and really feeling the benefits of eating healthfully during my workouts, as I have lots of energy no matter how challenging the workouts.

I also have to share how good I feel all the time. I have spent several days with my brother this weekend, and my sister yesterday, and can see how much pain they are in all the time. They both have considerable weight issues, and I do believe this is the catalyst for many of their health issues, including all of their aches and pains. I can’t imagine just not welling “well” on a daily basis. And one thing we know for sure, is the one thing we have control over, how we exercise and what we eat, can make a huge issue in the quality of our lives. There are many tragedies we can’t avoid, but fortunately there are many we can.

Want to comment on two posts, and then share some email from Lynn who is struggling with her eating and exercising.
Mary C said...
Great gazpacho recipe.....tons of veggies!! Almost entirely "free"!

Mary is a big fan of PW, so you will probably see her share her recipes often. One thing I want you all to do before you share a recipe is to cook and eat it. We need you to experiment for us and pass on the healthful recipes you have made so we don't waste our time, energy and calories on something not worth eating.

suga30 said...
Hey! Love the blog and love reading bout the new ideas. I have 2 kids 5 and 3 years old, I am always looking for new kid friendly meals and snacks that everyone will love! Do u have any on mind?

The key is to “hide” the good stuff in the food so the kids aren’t even aware of them, and then to keep modeling good eating habits. I know that I did every thing I could to give me kids the right start, with breastfeeding, to pureeing all their baby food, and always putting a variety of foods in front of them. Didn’t make a difference once they could say “NO”, and push it away though. Evan still never made the right choices, and his staples were things I totally didn’t approve of, Habenero chips, thanks to Rinske, so when I he liked something that was healthful, he got it, even those that were pricey like “Izzies”, fruit sweetened soda water, Naked Juice, and Rubio’s chips and boiled beans.

Mary and Derek have acclimated as the years have gone on and now are great eaters, but Alaina Baby is my project. She hates breakfast, so I have allowed her to have her stupid pop tarts to have something in her stomach, at least vitamin fortified, but has recently discovered Fuji apples, peeled, and I am happy to find the peels left in the sink, annoying, but at least I know she ate it that morning. Try to make veggies she likes, push the fruit, and hope and pray in time she will jump on the bandwagon with the rest of the family.

I have a book called “Stealth Health” which I really like, that allows you to sneak good stuff in normal kid friendly food, so check that out. I did get Mary a copy of Jerry Seinfield’s wifes book where she shoves lots of good stuff in her recipes, but not sure that they are that kid friendly, I think that her kids eat more like healthy adults do. For those of you with little ones, share what works for you.

And now the email from Lynn….

Hi Gina,

You may remember me...I'm a constant reader on caringbridge...have read and reread your story many many times. I just learned this morning about your new blog, and I think its great. I am going to tell you my horror story, in hopes that you can help me figure out a solution. I'm turning 33 in two days.. I stand 5'10...I weigh around 220. I carry it all in my stomach. My legs and arms need a little work, but nothing like my stomach does. I have struggled with weight all my life, was born an 11 pound baby, and I get my genes from my mom who was once 5'3 and 300 pounds. She had the gastric bypass for her fix. I choose to do it myself. I am a type 2 diabetic and I have a compression fracture to the T-12 vertebrea(slip and fall on ice). Now that is a healed fracture, but I have to "baby" my back for the rest of my life. So the intense wieght lifting and such isn't a good idea for me. I too, joined a gym...and your very right when you say, that most don't step foot in that place..I never used it. Luckily for me, the gym closed a few months after I joined and I got out of the contract. I recently bought a bike, I have a 7 year old daughter who is just learning to ride...we are about to take the training wheels off. So her and I get out almost daily and ride. I am a single mother, so I do not have my daughter all the time. On the days I don't have her, I still try to get out on the bike and go for a decent ride. Her and I ride probably 2-3 miles, when I'm alone, I gear for 7-8 miles right now(not sure how long it really is, but that would be my guess). Taking that one step at a time, hoping to get it closer to 10-15 miles in a single ride sooner rather then later. I've learned that the bike gets my heart going, it makes my legs burn, I enjoy the ride, and I seem to feel better afterward even though I'm warn out.

My weakness in convenience. I can't tell you how many times I am driving home and knowing that I'm hungry (I don't eat lunch at work, as I work 4am to noon)...and I see a mcdonalds...or a burger king...I give into it and grab a sandwich. I work 60 miles from home, so it does occur way too often. I know that stuff is going to kill me and its not helping anything, only making it worse. I vowed to myself to not eat in my car anymore(help keep it clean)...and believe it or not, that has helped tremendously. I don't stop nearly as much because I don't want to go in, and usually I'm too far away from home to want to wait it out. Hopefully those thoughts don't change on me.

Now I read each of your posts in this new blog...I am going to do the diary...writing down everything I eat...not sure of the calorie intake..but will buy a book or something. My question for whats an ideal amount of calories for a person of my size and still loose weight? I'm not a small framed girl, the doctors tell me like 170 would be good. I think 150 would be better. I'll be honest with you, its not how much I eat, its what I eat. During the week, I typically start my day with a whole wheat bagel..downfall if that wasn't enough...strawberry cream cheese...two very small packs of it1/2 oz packs). I drink diet pepsi like its water. Yet something else I need to work on. Diet pepsi is like an addiction for me. When I get will vary for what I eat. But usually I try to hold out till 2ish...and then I don't eat dinner because I go to bed at 8pm and don't want to go to sleep on a full stomach.

I'm not a snacker...I don't have anything I sit and munch on a lot. But I am a sucker for cheetos, for peanut butter, and for nutrigrain bars. I'm not sure what kind of combination that is... Ha! I do eat bread and butter pickles a lot..but I get the "no sugar added" ones. You'd think I was pregnant as much as I eat pickles! I am picky to a point, I don't eat tomatoes, onions, peppers...but I love broccolli and most other vegies. Steamed brocolli is my favorite..and am known to eat an entire bag of it in one serving! Not sure if that's real good for me...but I figure its better then a lot of other choices!

I would appreciate any and all help. We don't have a trader joes out here...but any suggestions will help. I thank you for taking a moment to read this book of an email.
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Lynn, I appreciate, number one, your honesty, that is where the change begins in acknowledging how difficult life is and not knowing where to start. I have had this conversation a few times this week with friends and really can’t imagine being a this situation of wanting to make of commitment to wellness and just not knowing where to start.

Step 1: Food Diary I want you to write you food down for one week, approx. amounts, times eaten, exercise done, etc. and then we will start on what baby steps we will make to move toward more healthful eating. Secondly, figuring out what exercise/activity you are willing to do and finding the time to commit to it. Even 20 minutes a day will suffice for the moment.

I will share on the blog what suggestions I give to Lynn once I see the diary. I think I mentioned day one that I don’t work with anyone if they can’t commit to the diary, so challenge number one Lynn, are you willing to commit.
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Last thoughts for the day as I sit in the shade on a pool deck at Cal State Long Beach for the final hour of try outs for the national development water polo team Alaina is part of. My friend Kaitlin shared these thoughts….
Was going through some stuff from my good friend, Kelly Starrett's, seminar and its also something he and I have talked about different times on different benefits of CrossFit and how it can hit so many different areas at the same time.
-Teaching competition, not necessarily against someone else, but against the clock. You learn about/get better at competition
-Forces a mindlessness at times-- in that you are practicing competition and it can be so difficult & intensive that it forces a no mind state. You are thinking about where that next breath is going to come from and you can't be worried about things like did I turn the oven off, will my kids get in the right school for kindergarten, what does the guy at work think of me. Suddenly, you have a short intensive focus, which requires a deep focus.

I can’t do yoga. I know this would be something good to add into my routine, but it allows too much time for thought. I go to sleep watching TV so I don’t have to think about the reality of my life. I HATE waking up I the morning too early, or have insomnia, as it allows time to remember what I have to endure for the remainder of my days on this earth. I need constant stimulation, reading is difficult as it allows zone out time which I don’t want. So, that is why CrossFit is something I love to hate, you don’t have time to think about anything else but how gross you feel, how much time you have left, and how great it will be when you are done.

Thinking about our veterans in the past, present and future. Thank you for putting your lives on the line for our freedom.
Stay tuned, g


  1. Have a question for you and figured it would be best to ask it on here so others might benefit from the answer. On these hot summer days, I drink almost exclusively water. However, sometimes I really crave something cold with a little more flavor, but don't want to have a drink with a lot of sugar or chemicals. Any ideas for me?

  2. Did some brainstorming and thought about making iced tea and sweetening with simple sugar.....any other ideas would be great!

  3. Idea for Mary C: "Sassy Water" from the flat belly diet! Refreshing and flavorful without sweeteners. You can vary the amount of the ingredients. Or use other fruits to add flavor - lots of hotels and spas do this. I also drink a lot of unsweetened ice tea - black or herbal. Try some of Celestial Seasonings fruit ones - Raspberry Zinger, Peach, etc.

    Sassy Water:
    2 liters water (about 8 ½ cups)
    1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
    1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
    1 medium lemon, thinly sliced
    12 small spearmint leaves.

    Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight.
