Saturday, May 14, 2011

Traveling is no excuse to sway from the course....

I think that most of us view a change in our schedule be it a vacation, a holiday, the weekend, etc as an excuse for swaying from their "healthy" eating program. Again, I am going to refuse to use the word "diet" which is a temporary phenomenon across our screwed up nation. We need to keep our balance, homeostasis remember, most days, as a matter of fact, I like to think more than 80% of the time you are doing what you need to do so you feel balanced. In other words, eating healthfully.

healthy |ˈhelθē|
adjective ( healthier , healthiest )
in good health: : feeling fit and healthy.
• ( of a part of the body) not diseased : healthy cells.
• indicative of, conducive to, or promoting good health : a healthy appetite | a healthy balanced diet.
• (of a person's attitude) sensible and well balanced : a healthy contempt for authority.
• figurative in a good condition : the family is the basis of any healthy society.
• desirable; beneficial : healthy competition.
• of a satisfactory size or amount : making a healthy profit.

Every description of the word "healthy" above feels good, so imagine your body partaking of "healthy eating" on a regular basis, then you will feel good. I have had so many clients, friends and family over the years complain about stomach issues. Now, I am not going to tell you there is not an overlying disease behind your issues, so in all cases I am going to tell you to see a doctor and make sure there isn't "something" causing it. When there is no definitive diagnosis or you get a diagnosis like irritable bowel syndrome or the like, then I am going to tell you it is time to take responsibility for what you are putting in your mouth. So many foods we eat can cause issues for us, so that is where are fun food diary comes in.

Just like raising kids, and dogs, and husbands, consistency is the key. The minute you slack off of your discipline tactics, the behavior you weren't so crazy about returns. Can you relate? I can tell you this has happened to me countless times. And even though I know better, I allow it to happen over and over again. Unfortunately this does no good for anyone. Same thing for your eating habits, and that is why the weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, because most of us have issues with their weights or have poor body image, and want a quick fix. If there was a quick fix, there would not be a new product or potion available to us every other day from people wanting to make a buck off us. As I told you from day one, homeostasis, balancing the calories taken in with the energy expended by your body. Done.
Stay tuned, g

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